About Us
Meet Our Team
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford –
Allen West
Dusty Rhodes
Senior Technician
Alfred Butler
Junior Technician
Holly Rhodes
Customer Service
West Services is a heating & air conditioning and refrigeration service company in Memphis, TN. We offer repair, servicing, and replacement of all components on the air-conditioning and heating system.
We have been serve in the Memphis area since 1989.
We offer solid equipment and repairs. We don’t like call backs; neither do you. We take pride in doing what we say.
We offer solid equipment and repairs. We don’t like call backs; neither do you. We take pride in doing what we say.
Why choose West Services
Our purpose and goal is to give you what you pay for.
Quality Services
Fully licensed and insured with 29 years experience.
Comfort Zone
Keeping the room temperature always same.
Air Quality
Improving indoor air quality with hi-tech filters
Energy Efficiency
No need to worry about your utility bills.
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John Doe
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John henry
Happy Clients
"Duis tincidunt non tellus ut auctor. In vitae eros turpis. Curabitur eu venenatis magna, vitae lobortis nulla"
Jon Snow
Happy Clients